Zong Free Internet Trick Unlimited 2018

Zong Free Internet Trick 2018 Trick 1

  1. First of all, Download UC Browser.
  2. Now go to Settings
  3. Open Access Points
  4. Create a new Access Point
  5. APN: zonginternet
  6. Proxy:
  7. Port: 80
  8. Now go to UC Browser, and Use 4G Zong Free Internet Trick 2018
Note: Only visit http websites. https websites will not work.

Zong Free Internet Trick 2018 Trick 2

  1. First of all, Download and Install UC Browser not UC mini, or if you have already installed then skip this step and move on to use free Zong internet 2018 updated trick.
  2. Open UC Browser and Click on URL bar to enter the address.
  3. Now write in URL bar free.facebook.com.kproxy.com and click on go button.
  4. You will be redirected to the Kproxy website.
  5. Now you can write and go to any website from Kproxy website.
That’s it!!! Enjoy fastest unlimited free 4G Zong Internet Trick 2018 updated!!!
If you like the Zong free internet code trick 2018, kindly share it with your friends. Thanks!
If you are facing any issue, kindly comment below, I will be happy to help you.

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