Google Did Not Need Backlink for Traffic A Site?

Google Did Not Need Backlink for Traffic A Site?

Pal. In the development of the google algorithm at this time, a lot can give an idea to colleagues all. Moreover, the correspondence between th
e current Google algorithm and the present must be understood together. There must admit that

dar apply the old ways in order to increase the traffic assessment search engines, especially Google, but also must be balanced with the knowledge of the "desire" of the owner of the search engine, either Google, Yahoo or other search engines. FROM variety of discussion and description of some of the sites, there who said that "it was not his day backlink", or there is an article titled "backlink is not useful for site traffic" etc. From the explanation given by the peers are, a little more "was" necessary diapresisasi.However, basically the increase or decrease in traffic a web site in the search engines is not just influenced by backlink alone. But also continuous with the other factors. Some of the things that is often incorrectly understood by fellow bloggers in particular (beginners as ANE) is that the search engine's index of sites that we have just based on external factors only, in this case the backlink. Insimple illustrated Sesua gambat below:

backlink to website traffic

But if my friend had read the google algorithm most currently associated factors that could affect the traffic of a site? More details please read the article ditulisakan in Sahilluqman. Buddy. Although backlink is now not a factor most uatama, namaun assumption that goole not require a backlink in providing an assessment of a site is also not entirely correct opinion. The following statement by aGoogle Master the world in this regard:

  "" Our advice for publishers continues to be to focus on delivering the best possible user experience on your websites and not to focus too much on what they think are Google's current ranking algorithms or signals. Some publishers have fixated on our prior Panda algorithm change, but Panda was just one of roughly 500 search improvements we expect to roll out to search this year. In fact, since we Launched Panda, we've rolled out over a dozen additional tweaks to our ranking algorithms, and some sites have incorrectly assumed that changes in their rankings were related to Panda. Search is a complicated and evolving art and science, so rather than focusing on specific algorithmic tweaks, we encourage you to focus on delivering the best possible experience for users ".
 In the explanation, it is very clear that one important factor in improving the readability search engineto a site or blog is SEO optimization Onpage maximum and the relationship with the backlink. However, for now backlink is already no longer a decisive factor in improving a website in search engine algorithms, especially Google.
situr readings factor in search engine

Simply put, a backlink nonetheless still affect the reading of the search engines for a website or blog.However, the deciding factor the most recent in accordance with Google's algorithm (as the search engine number one at the moment) still contribute to the traffic of a site. Conclusion Pningkatan traffic a site is based on readings (index) has been done by the search engines. The readings were done the kualitsa based on a site or a blog. While the quality of a website is not just judged by the presence of a lot of backlinks, but the important thing is CURRENTLY Onpage SEO optimization with its topnotch quality is the quality of the content. As far as the content we tulisakan in the quality of our website or blog, it has been providing the ultimate optimization in the reading of the search engine. Please read how to make a quality site and preferably Goole in accordance with the current Google algorithm development. Hopefully useful.

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